HEAL of Southern Arizona



Preparing Your Home for the

Chemically Sensitive Visitor

[Sample letter from MCS patient to friend or relative.]

Dear Loved One,

Thank you for inviting me to stay in your home.  You asked what you should do before I arrive to remove things that might cause me to react.  When preparing for my arrival, you do not have to buy anything or do anything special. Mostly not doing stuff is the key to getting less toxic. Here is a simple list:

1.      Do not spray anything at all in the air for 24 hours before my arrival (includes all cleaning products and personal products such as deodorant, hair spray, etc, and even pump sprays).

2.      When cleaning, the simplest thing is to not use anything but the vacuum cleaner and water.  Specifically, please do not use furniture polish, floor wax or cleaner, Lyso,r Clorox, or Windex. For dishes and laundry that must be done while I am there, I will bring soaps.

3.      Remove (right now) any deodorizers – plug-ins, oils, or potpourri.

4.      Stop spraying or using any perfumes or colognes right now.  It takes months for those chemicals to wear off your skin and clothing.

5.      Do not use any dryer sheets or fabric softeners (ever, very bad stuff, implicated in crib deaths and makes clothes highly flammable (use vinegar instead during the rinse cycle).

6.      You could also wash some special clothes in just water or baking soda to wear when we hug.

7.      Open a window in the room I will be in, and run the air cleaner if you have one..

8.      As for baby, if you will tell me what you do use, like diaper wipes, I will bring things I can tolerate to use on the little one while I am there if that is OK?

9.      I am also bringing some hand soap that I had made for you, so please stow all deodorant soaps, etc, including Ivory (it is scented) before I arrive there.

10.  If you are going to buy any products, get the kind that say no perfumes added or fragrance-free.

Your willingness to do this for me is wonderful and makes me feel very loved.  I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to our visit.